Why hasn't anyone else done this yet? Bitcoin exchanges, right there in your wallet app.
You can link your exchange accounts to the LUXSTACK mobile app and trade in and out of bitcoin as you wish.
Your balances are right there next to colorful price charts in your local currency, so you can keep close tabs on how much your money’s worth in multiple places.
This is more powerful that you might think. Are some of your exchanges offering better buy or sell prices than others? Speculate by shuffling your money between them at will, all without ever leaving the LUXSTACK app.
Now imagine doing that without LUXSTACK. The logins, the copy-pasting, the different interfaces… nope.
It’s all done with the API keys from your favorite exchange. The video above will show you how to do it with Kraken.
We’re planning on adding a lot more exchanges to the app in the coming weeks and months, as well as a lot more advanced trading features.